Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012: Week 19 A Happy Birthday to Emily!

So We decided that we aren't ever using that other internet cafe again. Elder Atkinsons computer froze too...but since I missed it last week.
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There you go and don't worry, I didn't forget, I just couldn't send an email last week. Emily I'm going to write you a letter today so be expecting in within a few weeks. Dad, those doctrinal points helped alot, but she still didn`t accept it and now she hasn't been to church for 2 week in a row since going for 4 in a row. It's sad but we have literally taught her everything from The Restoration to Fasting. We have nothing left to teach her and she isn't changing. We might have to "Drop" her.

That's super sick that Jeremy Evans won! BTW how are the Jazz doing? Are they up in the top of the rankings?
Sounds like the Blue and Gold banquet was fun! Sorry I couldn't get my pictures to you in time. I did send more so be expecting them. Also I still have my 16 GB card that I have all of my pictures on and the ones I Send I just copy them over to the othercard when it comes. So ya send one when you get the one I sent, and I will definitely be expecting a lot of letters soon. Haha the Elders in their "Droughts" are going to be so mad :)! I remember one time a few weeks ago 3 of my packages and like 8 or 9 letters came for me at the same time, and Elder Shepherd, one of our ZL's, said "geez Elder Duke you know some of us don't get letters." I said "I'm sorry I haven't left the Garden of Eden yet" referring to Eagle Mountain of course.  Lol I know I'm super hilarious. ;)

Yes I got all my packages stamps, nutella, garments and all. You can tell by reading my story above.
I already wrote and sent the letters to Lizzy and Katy and I'l be writing one to Emily and Sarah this week. I wrote a family one and one to Kaili last week so be expecting those in the next couple of weeks as well.

With the money thing, and I'm going to bold this because I've tried to explain it before, but I don't think you've noticed. (Yeah, Dad noticed...I just worry! ;) ) I don't run out of money. We just have to take it all out at once. First because nothing in our area accepts cards. Second because using the Cards alot here apparently isn't very safe, so that's why it looks like the money goes by really fast. I hope that cleared up the confusion. I've just been taught that here, it's just safer and better to use cash not cards. But so far I've never run out of money. I usually have extra left over actually.

For food Breakfast is usualy a bowl of cereal. Lunch in our area we get fed every day. Also here they don't eat breakfast, they just drink Mate, which is like some weird herb drink. It sounds and looks super gross, and missionaries can't drink it anyway. Lunch, they eat a huge meal so we get like 2 to 3 plates of food and there is always a desert like Helado (ice cream or sherbet) or Dulce (literally means "sweet" but can be dessert or candy) of some sort.
Dinner here doesn't exist almost ever. They just eat enough food at lunch, to carry them throught to the next day. It's really weird. Usually we literally eat 1 of 3 things rice with sauce, noodles with sauce, or milanesas which are like meat patties dipped in batter and fried. That is literally the extent of the meals here. The word originality for food doesn't exist here. Also the food is very bland. They put next to none when it comes to flavoring and spices. They think Bell Peppers are spicy! It's super funny! Giving them Warheads is probably one of the funneist things ever to see, lol! their faces are priceless!
As for laundry, members of the ward do our laundry here, but in most areas we have to wash our clothes by hand.

Sounds like alot of things are changing since I've been gone. That's so crazy that President Draper is released!! I can't believe it's been that long! Also don't forget to keep me updated with friends and where they're serving. and btw I know every single person that I'm friends with on Facebook, so don't worry about whether or not I know them, cuz I do.

April is home next month!! WOW! Also I'll have a year left when Alex gets home! That's crazy! Time goes by way way way to fast!!
Besides like $20 I'll be fine for this month, and I only need that because our water leaks and we went a little over on that so we got less money this month.

I love you all and miss you, hopefully by Mothers Day I'll know better Spanish ;)

Elder Jordan Duke

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