Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 6, 2012: Week 16

So I'm now on my second week of change 2. It feels weird to have people younger in the mission than me.... I still don't know that much. My spanish is improving a lot. I can relate pretty much whatever story i want. it just takes a while for me to get the words out of my head. I have just about every word I need to use in my head, I just can`t make sentences sometimes. The understanding is pretty good. Some days I can't undrstand anyone at all. While other days I can understand pretty much everything. We still don't have anyone with a fecha bautismal (baptism date) but we are working on getting people to that point. We are going to share Moroni 8: 25-26 with the girl who doesn't think she is worthy for baptism and try to help her understand baptism will help and if she's truly been praying for forgiveness for over a month I'm almost 100% positive God has forgiven her. She just needs to forgive herself and take that step of faith. For the most part we have had at least 2 in church for a month straight now so that's good.

About letters I've gotten some of the letters from everyone like 1 from Lizzy and from the family and the cousins, but I can't resond because I need more stamps. I'm completely out so send some up in one of the next letters please. Thank you. But as soon as I get the stamps I'll start firing off more letters.

Today we went to the Zoo as a District. There were lions, leopards, tigers, monkeys, baboons, water buffalo, llamas, goats, chickens, peacocks and capiburas or however you spell that. Those giant hamster things. It was super fun. We played futbol after and I decided I'm terrible compared to the latinos. We have an Elder from Panama, Elder Fonseca, in our district and he is really good. Our district is: Me and Elder Atkinson (Colorado), Elder Tyree (West Virginia) and Elder Fonseca (Panama) and Hermana Moreno (Argentina) and Hermana Shaw (Utah). It's a great district and everyone is hard workers.

I still can't believe that there are now Elders and Sisters younger  than me in the mission. I was talking to some of the Older "Veterans" with like 6 months left and stuff and they all said they feel like they just got here. Even the ones leaving this next change. We have weird names for stuff in this mission. Like being "Born" is starting your mission. "Dying" is ending you mission. Your "Dad" is you trainer and your "Mom" is the comp of your "Dad" before he trained you (That's a new one for Dad...not sure I would have wanted to be called "mom."). and your trainees are your "Kids" or "Hijos" It's funny especially when a member overhears that an Elder "died" last change and they freak out :)! Lol

I'm going to attempt this last paragraph in spanish so here goes nothing.

Amo recibiendo sus cartas y leyendo ellas. Estoy muy agradecido por esta oportunidad que tengo para compartir el evangelio con las personas aqui en Uruguay. Solo tengo un cambio aqui, pero se que esta realmente es el mejor decisión que los hombres jovenes pueden tomar. Esta obra realmente es la obra del Señor. Puedo sentir del amor que Él tiene para todas las personas en la tierra cuando estoy en una lección y puedo sentir el Espíritu Santo muy fuerte. Se que sin ninguna duda que esta Iglesia es la unica igelsia verdadera en la tierra y si hacemos nuestra parte y obedecemos los madamientos de Dios, podemos tener gozo, paz y consuelo en esta vida y la vida eterna depues de esta vida. Tambien podemos vivir con nuestras familias en El Reino Celestial con Dios y Jesucristo. Se que José Smith vió Dios y Jesucristo en la Arboleda Sagrada y que él fue llamado para ser un profeta en estas últimas dias y por medio del poder del Sacerdocio él tradujó El Libro De Mormón y establició La Iglesia de Jesucristo en la tierra otra vez. Se que tenemos un profeta hoy, Thomas S. Monson y él esta aqui para ayudarnos y guiarnos en esta vida. Se que la expiación de Jesucristo fue por todos de nosotros y no fue solo por nuestros pecados pero fue por nuestros affliciones y dolores tambien. Amo a mi Padre Celestial y estoy muy agradecido por las bendiciones que Él me da. Les amo y escribiré mas cuando yo puedo.

Con Amor, Elder Jordan Duke

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